Review Policy

How I Review

First and foremost, all of the words I write (other than the summaries) are original and of my own creation. I do not get compensated for my reviews. I am 100% honest. If I loved your book, I’ll most likely gush over it and explain why. If your book wasn’t for me, I’ll explain the reasons in a respectful and constructive manner. In rare cases I may not be able to finish your book, in which case I will also explain why and try to suggest the book to other readers.

As a decently thorough sort of gal, I’ll look a little more deeply at the books I review than others might. In college it was practically pounded into our heads to be thorough in workshops, so it’s second nature by now. The following is tentative, but it’s what I’ll be using until I figure out what works best. I’ll break my review up into the following sections:

  • Summary (official summary from the book itself,, or
  • My Overall Rating (includes ONLY Format/Story/Writing)
  • Judging By the Cover
  • Format
  • Story
  • Writing

If you’re wondering why I’ll look at the cover art, the outside appearance of a book can be a very strong first impression. I picked up a book ages and ages ago that made me seriously consider being a writer someday solely for the cover art. That’s how it all began: by judging a book by its cover.

What I Will and Won’t Review

I enjoy young adult novels of any genre (though my favorites are fantasy and sci-fi). I also review fantasy, sci-fi, general adult fiction, historical fiction, and graphic novels. I may also review some non-fiction. The non-fiction topics I’m most likely to accept include autobiographies and books about eco-friendly living, psychology, and social issues.

I will also accept e-books, though only from traditional publishers. These should be in epub format.

As stated earlier, I might look at some non-fiction, but I probably won’t look at most.  I generally won’t accept self-published books, but I can be persuaded by an interesting premise.

How Long Until a Review is Posted

I will review a book as soon as I read it. This ensures that everything is fresh in my mind. However, the time it takes for me to get to a book can vary. Starting out, I want to say about a month or two should do, depending on the other books I have lined up and the length of the book. I’m typically a speedy reader, but I take my time a bit more for the sake of a good and thorough review. You could even see a review in a week or less if I really enjoyed your book!