The Apt Metaphor

I have decided to blog about books.

I tried this once before, with little success, but I feel much better about it now. I’m at a place where I can actually commit more time to reading and writing. I have three classes left before I receive my grad school degree, and I feel like I’d settle for the trusty old bronze medal if I could just take one class and be done with it. Heck, I might even settle for the participation ribbon. Sadly it just doesn’t work that way.

I started a few pages up in the menu, just basic stuff until I learn the ropes. I’ll be tweaking and messing around with formatting and things for awhile, because I’m a tireless perfectionist. Other than that, I’m just going to jump into this thing as though I am a fully-clothed, hyperactive little girl who ate a pound of birthday cake less than half an hour ago and who has made the ill-advised decision to do a cannonball into the deep end of little Buddy Sweeney’s swimming pool.

Welcome to The Apt Metaphor.